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at one’ s convenience
在方  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
 n.  1.便利,方便(机会)。 2.〔pl.〕(生活上的)便利设备。 3.〔英国〕厕所。 4.〔古语〕公共马车。  ...  detail>>
for convenience
为方便起见 为了方便起见  detail>>
for the convenience of
为了...的方便  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
ho =【化学】 holmium 钬。
ho  detail>>
a marriage of convenience
基于利害关系的婚姻  detail>>
administrative convenience
行政便利  detail>>
as a matter of convenience
为方便起见  detail>>
at earliest convenience
得便即请  detail>>
bring convenience
带来便利  detail>>
convenience dialog
便捷对话框  detail>>
convenience dream
济事梦  detail>>
convenience file
方便文件  detail>>
convenience food
方便(速食)食品〔指罐头食物,方便(速食)面条等〕。  detail>>
convenience foods
方便食品 现成食品  detail>>
convenience function
便捷函数  detail>>